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Thank you from Mary F. Beck to Mark Charlton after attending a work wknd Saturday night dinner

Published on 5/18/2015



I wanted to thank you for last nights fabulous meal and great conversation. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and was happy I had a chance to learn  more about the Dual Sports Club.  I knew how you supported cancer research and town organizations but what impressed me was the passion and enthusiasm behind it all!!   I also felt a connection to what getting out in the backwoods really meant to you guys.  It reminded me of dirt road rides (by car) with my Dad... he'd say 'come on kid. let's take a ride' and we'd spend several hours on the back roads meandering around, talking or not-- very peaceful and relaxing. Loved it!   Again, thanks!


I did want to clarify a little about the grants that support this summer's projects in the Firefighter's Grounds-- This years budget is about $107,000 for the gravel trail along Range Line Creek, the RV and tent camp sites, electrical hook ups, water/sewer to bathhouse and then the bathhouse (2 showers and M/F toilets)


With the $25,000 in cash, the DNR's $45,000 and hopefully a $25,000 product grant from Lowes, we should have $90,000. By the end of the month I will have submitted  7 different private foundation grants for the remainder of the money. Keeping my fingers crossed that at least a few of those will come through!!    The trick with the DNR grant is that I need a 50% in match funds.  Because we have AmeriCorps and equipment donated by Jim Smith, the town and Tim/Tom Tucker we can use the in-kind donation as match. I also need a $2500 match for the Lumberjack Resource Conservation and Development grant.   I'm working on that too!


I just wanted you all to know that this grant stuff is a balancing act and that we aren't quite out of the words with getting everything funded!!!   BUT it all seems to be fitting together. I really think that this project will have a good chance of getting a little more life in the town!!


Well--again thanks a lot for the fun night... (the Irish whiskey was great John!)

