Scott Wilson
7/21/2018 2:01 PM
Sent from my iPad
 Jan Murray
7/21/2018 11:15 AM
I’m game! Sent from my iPhone I’d be interested
 Tim Schwartz
7/21/2018 9:13 AM
I’d be interested
 Loren Wahl
3/8/2018 7:31 PM
I'm in. Set the date. Any days of the week.
Loren Wahl lorenwahl@hotmail.com 920.475.0710
-----Original Message----- From: mailer@mail2.clubexpress.com <mailer@mail2.clubexpress.com> On Behalf Of Club Member Rides Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 8:48 AM To: lorenwahl@hotmail.com Subject: Endurance Ride - Adventure Trail - small/med bike - feeler for interest <<$192182599042$>>
I have an appetite to put together a GPS track ride that is long (e.g. 20-24hr) to be completed on a weekend in N WI and the UP. I am asking if other club members may like to join in this different kind of adventure, either for a portion or all of it. Imagine a remote as possible forest road ride from Forest Co heading north to Superior and connecting single/dual track, sand trails along the way and back (self supported). Option to motel for some riders, and option to continue riding thru the night for others. I previously rode the 900mi WMAT in 36hr saddle time(3 day), so this proposal is a similar but smaller version. Similar rides are... N WI Adventure Trail, UP Adventure Trail, Wi Mi Adventure Trail.
Attachment(s): File: 20161022_223248_resized.jpg (899.7 KB) -- Address: https://eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2FClubExpressClubFiles%2F411067%2Fattach%2F1921825_0_20161022_223248_resized.jpg&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cded986e85ad4446f900f08d58503c98d%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636561173668919536&sdata=dwq6Y9u9VlKOFYzfpwCxtdTG1lUQxxcsJWIBQZO2qxs%3D&reserved=0
 Gregg Pattison
3/8/2018 8:35 AM
I have an appetite to put together a GPS track ride that is long (e.g. 20-24hr) to be completed on a weekend in N WI and the UP. I am asking if other club members may like to join in this different kind of adventure, either for a portion or all of it. Imagine a remote as possible forest road ride from Forest Co heading north to Superior and connecting single/dual track, sand trails along the way and back (self supported). Option to motel for some riders, and option to continue riding thru the night for others. I previously rode the 900mi WMAT in 36hr saddle time(3 day), so this proposal is a similar but smaller version. Similar rides are... N WI Adventure Trail, UP Adventure Trail, Wi Mi Adventure Trail.